
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Of or relating to the Moors or their culture.
  • adjective Of, relating to, or being a style of Spanish architecture of the 8th to the 16th century, characterized by the horseshoe arch and ornate decoration.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Of or pertaining to the Moors.
  • Marshy; resembling a. moor.
  • Belonging to a moor; growing on a moor: as, moorish reeds.
  • Having the qualities of a moor; characterless; barren.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to Morocco or the Moors; in the style of the Moors.
  • adjective the style developed by the Moors in the later Middle Ages, esp. in Spain, in which the arch had the form of a horseshoe, and the ornamentation admitted no representation of animal life. It has many points of resemblance to the Arabian and Persian styles, but should be distinguished from them. See Illust. under Moresque.
  • adjective Having the characteristics of a moor or heath.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective of or pertaining to the Moors or their culture
  • adjective architecture Of or pertaining to a style of Spanish architecture from the time of the Moors, characterized by the horseshoe arch and ornate, geometric decoration

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective relating to or characteristic of the Moors
  • noun a style of architecture common in Spain from the 13th to 16th centuries; characterized by horseshoe-shaped arches


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Moor +‎ -ish.


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  • In fact, in Spain they were called Moorish skewers.

    The Moses Expedition Juan Gómez-Jurado 2007

  • In fact, in Spain they were called Moorish skewers.

    The Moses Expedition Juan Gómez-Jurado 2007

  • In fact, in Spain they were called Moorish skewers.

    The Moses Expedition Juan Gómez-Jurado 2007

  • There was a Jewish scholar, Isaac ben Joshua, in Moorish Spain who said that the Book drove everyone who saw it crazy.

    Archive 2004-12-01 Hal Duncan 2004

  • There was a Jewish scholar, Isaac ben Joshua, in Moorish Spain who said that the Book drove everyone who saw it crazy.

    Images Of Vellum And Ink Hal Duncan 2004

  • Inquisitorial system has deprived this kingdom by the total expulsion of the Jews, the conquered Moors and the baptized Moorish, we add about

    The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, June, 1880 Various

  • It's probably fair to say that morris dancing, most likely a corruption of the word Moorish, has something of an image problem.

    Blogposts | 2009

  • It's probably fair to say that morris dancing, most likely a corruption of the word Moorish, has something of an image problem.

    Culture | 2009

  • As far as the Liberty City group was concerned this was nonsense; the group of men, who were arrested for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, smoked a great deal of marijuana and subscribed to the obscure beliefs of an outfit called the Moorish Science Temple; so nascent were their terrorist plans that they never even bothered to travel to Chicago.

    The Longest War Peter L. Bergen 2011

  • As far as the Liberty City group was concerned this was nonsense; the group of men, who were arrested for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, smoked a great deal of marijuana and subscribed to the obscure beliefs of an outfit called the Moorish Science Temple; so nascent were their terrorist plans that they never even bothered to travel to Chicago.

    The Longest War Peter L. Bergen 2011


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