
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • abbreviation sievert

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An abbreviation of the Latin spiritus vini tenuior, proof-spirit.
  • noun An abbreviation of the Now Latin spiritus vini rectificatus, rectified spirit of wine.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun metrology sievert, a unit of radiation dose equivalent.
  • noun svedberg


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  • In 1904, after an interval of short stories, letters of travel, and poems, came the story entitled Sværmere.

    The Growth of the Soil 2003

  • As Wideman has played with worse teammates (Corsi Rel QoT) and the goalies behind him performed worse (On ice Sv%), his plus minus took a nose dive.

    Statistical analysis: A closer look at Dennis Wideman's plus-minus rating 2011

  • A microsievert (μSv)is one millionth of a sievert (Sv), which is a standard international unit of radiation dose.

    Leigh Vinocur, M.D.: Full Body Scanners: Should You Really Be Concerned? M.D. Leigh Vinocur 2010

  • A microsievert (μSv)is one millionth of a sievert (Sv), which is a standard international unit of radiation dose.

    Leigh Vinocur, M.D.: Airport Scanners: Should You Really Be Concerned? M.D. Leigh Vinocur 2010

  • A microsievert (μSv)is one millionth of a sievert (Sv), which is a standard international unit of radiation dose.

    Leigh Vinocur, M.D.: Airport Scanners: Should You Really Be Concerned? M.D. Leigh Vinocur 2010

  • The flux of sea ice southward through Fram Strait is known to be about 0.09 Sv [11], but the southward flux of seasonal sea ice formed outside the Arctic Ocean in the Barents, Bering, and Labrador Seas; the Canadian Archipelago; Hudson and Baffin Bays; and East Greenland is not known.

    Marine Arctic 2009

  • The present “freshwater” flux through Bering Strait is about 0.07 Sv [8].

    Marine Arctic 2009

  • The total influx to the marine Arctic from rivers is 0.18 Sv [9], about 2.5 times the “freshwater” flux of the Pacific inflow through Bering Strait.

    Marine Arctic 2009

  • The sievert (symbol: Sv) is the SI derived unit of dose equivalent.

    Sievert 2009

  • In some fields, rem and mrem continue to be used along with Sv and mSv, causing significant confusion (1 Sv = 100 rem, 10 mSv = 1 rem).

    Sievert 2009


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