
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • A country of western Africa on the Bight of Benin. Situated between the Dahomey and Ashanti kingdoms, the region was held by Denmark in the 1700s and became the German protectorate of Togoland in 1884. The territory forming present-day Togo was administered as French Togoland from 1922 to 1960, when it achieved independence as a republic. Lomé is the capital and the largest city.
  • Shigenori,Japanese politician who served as foreign minister (1941–1942 and 1945) during World War II and was convicted as a war criminal.
  • Heihachiro,Japanese admiral whose strategies established Japan's naval superiority during the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905).

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To go different ways; scatter.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun Country in Western Africa. Official name: Togolese Republic.
  • proper noun A surname.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a republic on the western coast of Africa on the Gulf of Guinea; formerly under French control


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Togoville, from Ewe to ("water") + go ("shore").


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  • Are we going to fall into fratricidal fighting like in Togo […]?

    Global Voices in English » Gabon: On President Omar Bongo’s death 2009

  • Wars have been or are being fought in Togo, Ivory Coast, and Liberia.

    A Survey of West Africa: Introduction 2007

  • Leone — and in Togo, where the dictator Etienne Eyadema, in power since 1967, was nearly toppled in 1991, not by democrats but by thousands of youths whom the London-based magazine West Africa described as "Soweto-like stone-throwing adolescents."

    The Coming Anarchy 1994

  • Leone — and in Togo, where the dictator Etienne Eyadema, in power since 1967, was nearly toppled in 1991, not by democrats but by thousands of youths whom the London-based magazine West Africa described as "Soweto-like stone-throwing adolescents."

    The Coming Anarchy 1994

  • Bongo's death is not going to bring anything beneficial to the Gabonese people, because the heir and heiress Ali and Pascaline Bongo have already been groomed and brought by Bolloré - personal friend of Sarkozy - and of Christophe de Margerie of TotalFinaElf and many other vampires to suck power, as it was the case in Togo where the children of the late Gnassingbe were brought to power under the double weight of rape and violence.

    Global Voices in English » Gabon: On President Omar Bongo’s death 2009

  • In the last few weeks Jim Lahey’s recipe has been translated into German, baked in Togo, discussed on more than 20 [Read More]

    Minimalist's Sullivan Street Bread (with updates) Lindy 2006

  • Many French-speaking migrants in Ghana say they want to travel on to Togo, which is also a Francophone country.

    Western Ivory Coast Fighting Strands Thousands 2011

  • •Dathe Benissan-Messan, Creighton University; major: biology; studying the biting habits of pernicious black flies in Togo.

    All-USA 2nd, 3rd and honorable mention teams excel 2009

  • That recommendation could have serious implications for Togo, which is scheduled to take up the chairmanship of the Organization of

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2000

  • Togo, which is hosting the gathering, will take over the presidency of the 53-member pan-African organization from Algeria.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2000


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