
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Characteristic of or being a brat; ill-mannered.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A cake of dried cows' dung, used as fuel.
  • noun An apron.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Characteristic of a brat; unruly and impolite

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective (used of an ill-mannered child) impolitely unruly


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  • In her work, she has found a common theme that when women shared their voice and their gifts as young girls, they were often told they were "bratty" or "showing off."

    Tabby Biddle: The Problem of Women's Self-Expression: A Scientific Perspective 2010

  • In her work, she has found a common theme that when women shared their voice and their gifts as young girls, they were often told they were "bratty" or "showing off."

    Tabby Biddle: The Problem of Women's Self-Expression: A Scientific Perspective 2010

  • And while it might seem kind of bratty to complain about salary shortfalls in this time of economic crisis when so many are flat out of jobs and have given up looking, the fact is that our state and national future relies on a well-educated, conscientiously trained populace.

    Shira Tarrant: California College: Up in Smoke? 2009

  • Considers the Web to still be "bratty" and hopes that the brattiness will be kept as more order and control is brought to the Web.

    Internet News: Internet Culture Archives 2009

  • And as I've already mentioned, the frustration that accompanies dissatisfaction leads, more often than not, to "bratty" behaviors and increased stress.

    Alex Pattakos: How To Tame Your "Inner Brat" 2009

  • But if not, please please please, whatever you do, DO NOT blame the teacher when this kind of bratty behavior causes her to have trouble in class.

    Snapshots of a temper tantrum. Angry Professor 2008

  • I'm pretty sure he did, too, although I think he's less outgoing than I am, so I felt kind of bratty for talking to other people while we were out playing pool.

    I Take Requests, Apparently alannablue 2004

  • Unfortunately, this episode was a bit of a snooze-fest in terms of the crazy and the bratty which is disappointing.

    TVgasm 2010

  • Lately, he said, Kimani has been "bratty" and noisier than usually because her mother is weaning her from nursing.

    The MetroWest Daily News Homepage RSS 2009

  • I would much rather dine in a restaurant with a happy, thriving family than a bunch of judgmental people straight from the Victorian era who sanctimoniously tell nursing moms to keep their "bratty" infants home.

    unknown title 2009


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