
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A force which produces a lesion in a part other than that where the injury is inflicted. See counter-fissure.
  • noun A stroke or blow given in return for one received; a return stroke or blow.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A stroke or blow in return.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun An act done in revenge.


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  • And I don't like the argument that the counterstroke is our fault.

    CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2009 2009

  • And I don't like the argument that the counterstroke is our fault.

    CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2009 2009

  • Blowing up the Saudi ambassador in Washington would be an appealing counterstroke against the two foreign forces that Khamenei detests most.

    Iran's Act of War Reuel Marc Gerecht 2011

  • Even the government had to admit, it was a bold counterstroke.

    Motors? What Motors? 2009

  • Thus, by the standards of the time, western Europeans launched their counterstroke of the Crusades essentially as quickly as they possibly could after it first became feasible for them to do so β€” and not centuries after the insult.

    The crusader. Ann Althouse 2009

  • Lousy command dice prevented a counterstroke & Carthage failed army morale.

    Camp Cromwell 23/06/08 Cromwell MkI 2008

  • β€œIs it because they feared the massive counterstroke which they would immediately receive from our powerful bombing force?”

    Human Smoke Nicholson Baker 2008

  • The American VII Corps would be in mobile reserve behind the Arab Army, fitting out and preparing to react to an Iraqi counterstroke.

    'We'll Win, But...' 2008

  • Lousy command dice prevented a counterstroke & Carthage failed army morale.

    Archive 2008-06-01 Cromwell MkI 2008

  • This is one of the few comics where an attack of sorts occurs on Iran, and there is a counterstroke, which ends up badly for all involved.

    Archive 2007-11-01 Tripp 2007


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