
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • verb to negotiate with much give and take.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb negotiate with much give and take
  • noun the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining)


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  • It is not any economic argument but a political horse-trade which has led to the line that Britain can prosper launching a sack race among small firms.

    Employment law: the sack race 2011

  • Three of four terms in, you co-sponsor your first legislation, get some face time on cable news, bring home some serious pork because you were willing to horse-trade.

    Mark Olmsted: The Fool's Game of Anti-Incumbency Mark Olmsted 2010

  • Ironically, the AGs emphasize "the legitimate federal interests in the bill" while challenging a horse-trade which may or may not make it in to a finished statute.

    Barbara Ann Radnofsky: Texas Attorney General Seeks Activist Judges 2010

  • Others say that it could actually increase overall spending because the president could horse-trade with members by letting them put through their little pet projects in exchange for their vote on a massive presidential initiative for example, a public option for health care, or Medicare Part E . . . which you know is coming.

    Broke Glenn Beck 2010

  • Politicians are able to pander, horse-trade and attack their way to electoral victory even as they drive down participation in, and drive up distrust of, the system.

    Michael Maslansky: America's Perfect Storm of Fear: Finding the Cure 2010

  • Rod Blagojevich was indicted and impeached for allegedly trying to horse-trade jobs for senate seats.

    David Sirota: Denver Post: Obama Aide Messina Caught "Trying to Buy Off" Primary Challenger 2009

  • I know what that would be for me: a whole different horse-trade in which truth and transparency are risked in exchange for belief in possibility, for the engagement and activism that could unleash.

    The Problem of Hope 2009

  • But he could sweet-talk and horse-trade too, using all the tools of legal bribery and persuasion that a president possesses.

    Steven Hill: To Succeed, Obama Needs to Channel His Inner LBJ 2009

  • But on the details, Obama appears much more willing to horse-trade away just about anything so that he can get a bill on his desk that he can sign, and then chalk it up as a significant legislative victory -- even if it is so watered down that it does little to "fix" the health care problem.

    Chris Weigant: It's Time To Lead, Mr. President 2009

  • And he may have begun to freelance, as well, traveling to Hanoi in 1987, perhaps offering to "horse-trade" for live bodies or "bones," despite U.S. policy to the contrary.

    Perot's Jungle Fever 2008


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