
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The act or process of pressing clothes with a heated iron.
  • noun The clothing pressed or to be pressed with a heated iron.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In metallurgy, the adherence of imperfectly fused masses of iron to the twyers.
  • noun In laundry-work: The act of smoothing with hot irons.
  • noun The clothes so smoothed.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The act or process of smoothing, as clothes, with hot flatirons.
  • noun The clothes ironed.
  • noun a flat board, upon which clothes are laid while being ironed.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of iron.
  • noun The act of pressing clothes with an iron.
  • noun Laundry that has been washed and is ready to be ironed.
  • noun Laundry that has recently been ironed.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun garments (clothes or linens) that are to be (or have been) ironed
  • noun the work of using heat to smooth washed clothes in order to remove any wrinkles


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  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010

  • Obviously there are issues to be worked out about the privacy of your computer and so forth, but these really are minor hiccups in ironing out what it is people actually want (hysterical copy-fighter rantings notwithstanding).

    Publishing Enemy No 1 2009

  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010

  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010

  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010

  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010

  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010

  • Regarding the last sentence of the post, and to quote Bart Simpson, “the ironing is delicious”.

    Are we Legally Required to Have an Election on October 19? : Law is Cool 2009

  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010

  • I always remember when we took in ironing and my mom waitressed and washed dishes in restaurants, as well as cleaning houses.

    tipping 2010


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