
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Of a style or method formerly in vogue; outdated.
  • adjective Attached to or favoring methods, ideas, or customs of an earlier time.
  • noun A cocktail made of whiskey, bitters, sugar, and fruit.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Formed in a fashion which has become obsolete; antiquated: as, an old-fashioned dress.
  • Partaking of the old style or old school; characterized by antiquated fashions or customs; suited to the tastes of former times.
  • Characterized by or resembling a person of mature years, judgment, and experience; hence, precocious: as, an old-fashioned child.
  • Synonyms and Ancient, Old, Antique, etc. See ancient.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; belonging to or characteristic of times past; adhering to old customs, styles, or ideas.
  • adjective Unacceptable or suboptimum because of having been superseded by something more recent; outmoded{2}; out-of-date.
  • adjective Unfashionably out of date; out of style.
  • noun A cocktail consisting of whiskey, bitters, and sugar, garnished with with fruit slices and often a cherry.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of a thing, outdated or no longer in vogue.
  • adjective Of a person, preferring the customs of earlier times.
  • noun A whiskey-based cocktail

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a cocktail made of whiskey and bitters and sugar with fruit slices
  • adjective out of fashion


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

old + fashioned


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  • "That's what you call an old-fashioned pitchers duel, I guess," Weaver said.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • "That's what you call an old-fashioned pitchers duel, I guess," Weaver said.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • The book, which is aimed at children aged nine to 11, is described as an "old-fashioned fable in a modern setting".

    WalesOnline - Home 2011

  • These days doctors don’t smoke while they’re treating you, but Shrager was what was known as an old-fashioned family doctor even then.

    Kalooki Nights Howard Jacobson 2006

  • There are three primary arm-wrestling styles: the power slam, the over-the-top move and what Camp described as the "old-fashioned hook."

    New York's Most Feared Bicep Scott Cacciola 2011

  • So we might as well call it old-fashioned evil as long as we understand that evil means nothing more than the howling emptiness of a soul with nothing to give.

    The Promised World Lisa Tucker 2009

  • So we might as well call it old-fashioned evil as long as we understand that evil means nothing more than the howling emptiness of a soul with nothing to give.

    The Promised World Lisa Tucker 2009

  • So we might as well call it old-fashioned evil as long as we understand that evil means nothing more than the howling emptiness of a soul with nothing to give.

    The Promised World Lisa Tucker 2009

  • That’s a retronym, a phrase with a modifier fixing a meaning to a noun that needed no modifier before: The shift to night baseball created day baseball, just as the invention of the electric guitar required us to call the old-fashioned instrument an acoustic guitar.

    No Uncertain Terms William Safire 2003

  • That’s a retronym, a phrase with a modifier fixing a meaning to a noun that needed no modifier before: The shift to night baseball created day baseball, just as the invention of the electric guitar required us to call the old-fashioned instrument an acoustic guitar.

    No Uncertain Terms William Safire 2003


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