
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • transitive verb To ride faster, farther, or better than; outstrip.
  • transitive verb To withstand successfully; ride out.
  • noun An unstressed syllable or cluster of syllables within a given metrical unit that is omitted from the scansion pattern in sprung rhythm.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A riding out; an excursion; also, a place for riding.
  • To ride out.
  • To ride before or beside a carriage as attendant; be an outrider.
  • To pass in riding; ride faster than.
  • noun The district of an outrider. See outrider .

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb To surpass in speed of riding; to ride beyond or faster than.
  • noun rare A riding out; an excursion.
  • noun rare A place for riding out.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun equestrian A trip on a horse outside an enclosed area, a trip on a horse in the open.
  • verb transitive To ride (a horse, bicycle, etc.) better than (someone).
  • verb transitive To ride out (e.g. a storm).

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb ride better, faster, or further than
  • verb hang on during a trial of endurance


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[N., coined by Gerard Manley Hopkins.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

out- +‎ ride


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  • Darius was determined to outthink, outride, outfight, and absolutely overwhelm Alexander with superior numbers.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • Darius was determined to outthink, outride, outfight, and absolutely overwhelm Alexander with superior numbers.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • “I can outride Tally,” she said of her brother who was less than a year older than she was.

    Judge deveraux The Scent of Jasmine 2011

  • Darius was determined to outthink, outride, outfight, and absolutely overwhelm Alexander with superior numbers.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  •  It was true that she rode hard, and that she could easily outride all but the most dedicated racers, but even they could not match her pace over the course of the day.

    The Messenger 2010

  • No one could outride them or outshoot them from the back of a horse.


  • Comanche power had long resided in sheer military superiority: the ability, man for man, to outride and outshoot the Anglo-Europeans.


  • She had to construct the conditions in a way that benefited her, and not this great lummox who could outride her, outrace her, and outdo her in every physical way.

    The Laird Who Loved Me Karen Hawkins 2009

  • She had to construct the conditions in a way that benefited her, and not this great lummox who could outride her, outrace her, and outdo her in every physical way.

    The Laird Who Loved Me Karen Hawkins 2009

  • Overall I agree with the order on Ryan's list, but it all depends how far off she is: I'd take a 5'10 actress who could outride and outfight Conan Stevens over a 6'1 one who doesn't know what a sword is.

    The Live Feed talks Thrones 2009


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