psychophysical love


from The Century Dictionary.

  • Of or pertaining to psychophysics.
  • By psychophysical means; in a psychophysical manner.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to psychophysics; involving the action or mutual relations of the psychical and physical in man.
  • adjective (Physiol.) the time required for the mind to transform a sensory impression into a motor impulse. It is an important part of physiological or reaction time. See under Reaction.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to psychophysics
  • adjective Psychosomatic


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  • Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion, says the following in his preface to volume 1: "Let us consider the factor of a mass character that I shall be referring to as psychophysical - Financial News 2010

  • Kasparov, the world chess champion, says the following in his preface to volume 1: "Let us consider the factor of a mass character that I shall be referring to as psychophysical - Financial News 2010

  • Some 'Riffs readers told us they had to chart a course for Wikipedia to boldly discover that the term "pon farr" -- which "Dilbert" creator Scott Adams deftly spun into his punch line Tuesday -- refers to "a psychophysical condition affecting Vulcans, in which Vulcan males and females go into heat every seven years."

    When DILBERT meets Star Trek: Top 10 'Pon Farr' Guesses Michael Cavna 2011

  • Bodily and mental existence is based on the aggregates, which are the psychophysical constituents of beings.

    Training the Mind: Verse 1 2010

  • Bodily and mental existence is based on the aggregates, which are the psychophysical constituents of beings.

    Training the Mind: Verse 1 2010

  • Bodily and mental existence is based on the aggregates, which are the psychophysical constituents of beings.

    Training the Mind: Verse 1 2010

  • Vanderbilt further wonders if, where the lack of outrage about casualties is concerned, the "psychophysical numbing" induced by statistics as opposed to individual cases allows people to ignore numbers of fatalities that, had they arisen from various arresting outrages, would have caused public horror.

    Well, that's the Top Gear vote sewn up for the coalition 2010

  • Bodily and mental existence is based on the aggregates, which are the psychophysical constituents of beings.

    Training the Mind: Verse 1 2010

  • The problem with "eventually" is that, as with many psychophysical disorders in which psychological stress can produce physical changes over time, damage can occur so quietly over time that it can become irreversible (e.g. shingles after age 50).

    Therese Borchard: Bounce: 6 Steps To Become More Resilient 2009

  • Jai Daemion (MS, MEd couns) explores a meta-perspective that integrates realms of psychotherapy, psychophysical integration and the study of culture and consciousness, using eastern-western and inner-outer tools.

    America Awakening - Casting Off Our Cloak of Shame 2009


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