
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A kiss.
  • intransitive verb To kiss.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Same as smutch.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb See smutch.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun informal A kiss.
  • verb informal To kiss.
  • verb Alternative form of smutch.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others
  • noun an enthusiastic kiss


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Alteration of English dialectal smouch, perhaps imitative of the sound of a kiss.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Perhaps from a dialectal variation of smack. Compare also Low German smok ("a kiss, a smouch").


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  • Rush bends over and presents his oversized @ss like an Italian Don presenting his ring to a wannabe) * smoochy smoochy smooch smooch*, I don't know what I was saying suh, I stepped on your toes suh and ahs sorry suh .. fnckin 'token idiot ..

    CNN Political Ticker 2009

  • Rush bends over and presents his oversized @ss like an Italian Don presenting his ring to a wannabe) * smoochy smoochy smooch smooch*, I don't know what I was saying suh, I stepped on your toes suh and ahs sorry suh .. fnckin 'token idiot ..

    CNN Political Ticker 2009

  • Sacrificing plot clarity for wisecracking dialogue and smouldering seduction the producers removed a big chunk of explanation in favour of more Bogart-Bacall smooch time, the definitive Chandler detective movie is still wildly enjoyable.

    This week's new films 2011

  • The smooch, which is both long and very real no, it's not one of Castle's fantasies or dreams, manages to walk a line that we think will actually please both camps.

    5 Reasons We're Excited About Castle's Big Kiss 2011

  • Leslie thanks Ben with a smooch, which is all caught on camera.

    Mega Buzz: New Loves on Big Bang Theory, House and Lots of Grey's Anatomy Tears 2011

  • Witherspoon then dug in the knife a little more, calling her smooch session with Pattinson "a little bit of a downer."

    Judy Kurtz: This Week's Shining and Falling Stars: Lady Gaga and Reese Witherspoon Judy Kurtz 2011

  • Remember the following Norse fable the next time you sneak a smooch under the mistletoe: Frigga, goddess of love and beauty, wanted to make the world safe for her son, Balder.

    thanks! melcircus 2005

  • Probst says that the Kent Roberts chair, "Untitled," which mimics an old-fashioned courting bench, is a favored spot for visitors to sneak a smooch.

    SFGate: Top News Stories (Nancy Davis Kho 2011

  • Witherspoon then dug in the knife a little more, calling her smooch session with Pattinson "a little bit of a downer."

    The Full Feed from Judy Kurtz 2011

  • Despite a "she could be his mother" gap of almost three decades, Efron has called the smooch the "best part of the movie." Top Stories 2011


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