
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who surveys or views.
  • noun An overseer; a superintendent.
  • noun A household officer; a supervisor of the other servants.
  • noun One who views and examines something for the purpose of ascertaining its condition, quantity, or quality: as, a surveyor of roads and bridges; a surveyor of weights and measures.
  • noun One who measures land, or practises the art of surveying.
  • noun An officer of the British navy whose duty it is to supervise the building and repairing of ships for the navy.
  • noun A common name in Australia for a fish, Serranus geometricus.
  • noun Formerly an architect.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One placed to superintend others; an overseer; an inspector.
  • noun One who views and examines for the purpose of ascertaining the condition, quantity, or quality of anything
  • noun One who surveys or measures land; one who practices the art of surveying.
  • noun An officer who ascertains the contents of casks, and the quantity of liquors subject to duty; a gauger.
  • noun In the United States, an officer whose duties include the various measures to be taken for ascertaining the quantity, condition, and value of merchandise brought into a port.
  • noun [Eng.], [U.S.] An officer having charge of the survey of the public lands of a land district.
  • noun See Circumferentor.
  • noun See under Level.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A person occupied with surveying -- the process of determining positions on the earth's surface.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun someone who conducts a statistical survey
  • noun an engineer who determines the boundaries and elevations of land or structures


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

to survey + -or


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  • It became clear that the surveyor was the main personality at a Scud launch.

    Bravo-Two-Zero McNab, Andy 1993

  • Simon Chase, a 25-year-old surveyor from the English city of Birmingham, said he never considered not making the journey to Sandwich, even though he was well aware of the weather forecast.

    NYT > Home Page By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY 2011

  • Simon Chase, a 25-year-old surveyor from the English city of Birmingham, said he never considered not making the journey to Sandwich, even though he was well aware of the weather forecast.

    NYT > Home Page By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY 2011

  • The surveyor was a young English doctor named William John Wills, whose principle qualifications seem to have been a respectable background and a willingness to go.

    RIS 2009

  • The compulsorily home reports were introduced by the Scottish Government a year ago and contain a valuation commissioned by the seller from a surveyor, which is meant to be acceptable to both parties.

    unknown title 2009

  • The officers have shot the Milford scene with a Nikon laser surveyor, which is used to make computer generated drawings that Horn said look three-dimensional.

    The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS 2009

  • Just had a "surveyor" come by and ask how we planned to vote on Prop 8.

    POLL: Prop 8 Losing 40-54% Of Likely Voters Ron Buckmire 2008

  • The owner and the "surveyor" were the people responsible, and the plans, directions and details given to the workmen were astonishingly meager.

    Furnishing the Home of Good Taste A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of Today Lucy Abbot Throop

  • Cap'n Sproul at that moment had his fist up ready to spack it down into his palm to add emphasis to some particularly violent observation he was just then making to Mr. Tate, highway "surveyor" in Tumble-dick District.

    The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul Holman Day 1900

  • "Palin spox: Targets on SarahPAC map were actually 'surveyor's symbols'"

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011


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