
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Spirited; up-to-date.
  • adjective Attracting a lively, trendy crowd.
  • adjective Sexually promiscuous.
  • adjective Practicing exchange of partners, especially spouses, for sex.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • See swingeing.
  • noun The act of moving back and forth; especially, the sport or pastime of moving in a swing.
  • Having or marked by a free sweeping movement like or suggesting that of a pendulum: as, a swinging step. See cuts under sign and phonograph.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun An activity where couples engage in sexual activity with different partners
  • verb Present participle of swing.
  • adjective informal Fine, good, successful.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun changing location by moving back and forth
  • adjective characterized by a buoyant rhythm


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  • For the week's gig, Elling included material on current CD release, The Gate -- as in, he points out, the phrase "swinging on..."

    David Finkle: First Nighter: Kurt Elling Fools Around With Time at Birdland David Finkle 2011

  • It is anchored to the top of a 500-year-old, 250-foot Douglas fir, a tree that travelers can scale and spend the night in swinging from a hammock.

    Taking Tree-Hugging to New Heights Benjamin Percy 2010

  • For the week's gig, Elling included material on current CD release, The Gate -- as in, he points out, the phrase "swinging on..."

    David Finkle: First Nighter: Kurt Elling Fools Around With Time at Birdland David Finkle 2011

  • For the week's gig, Elling included material on current CD release, The Gate -- as in, he points out, the phrase "swinging on..."

    David Finkle: First Nighter: Kurt Elling Fools Around With Time at Birdland David Finkle 2011

  • For the week's gig, Elling included material on current CD release, The Gate -- as in, he points out, the phrase "swinging on..."

    David Finkle: First Nighter: Kurt Elling Fools Around With Time at Birdland David Finkle 2011

  • Where else can you find skateboarding dogs and crack smoking prostitutes, the Wiggles and Sadam Hussein swinging from a rope, all in one convenient location?

    May 2007 2007

  • Where else can you find skateboarding dogs and crack smoking prostitutes, the Wiggles and Sadam Hussein swinging from a rope, all in one convenient location?

    Dis...trac...tions 2007

  • Feeding her always buys me about 10-15 minutes, so I went for that route since changing her diaper means I have to do that, then feed her for 10 minutes to get her to quiet down and nod off enough to set her back down in her big comfy chair that's what we call her swinging chair.

    Archive 2009-09-01 Field Notes 2009

  • Feeding her always buys me about 10-15 minutes, so I went for that route since changing her diaper means I have to do that, then feed her for 10 minutes to get her to quiet down and nod off enough to set her back down in her big comfy chair that's what we call her swinging chair.

    Barkfest 2009 will go down as Barf-fest 2009 Field Notes 2009

  • Avidius, using what he called the swinging lever principle, applied his heaviest pressure to one flank and thus compressed it back, creating congestion and making it difficult for the Parthians to have any kind of cohesive control.

    The Eternal Mercenary Sadler, Barry 1980


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