
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In electricity, an apparatus for indicating when two alternating-current machines are revolving at the same speed.
  • noun One who or that which synchronizes; especially, a contrivance for synchronizing clocks. Also spelled synchroniser.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who/which synchronizes.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun an instrument that indicates whether two periodic motions are synchronous (especially an instrument that enables a pilot to synchronize the propellers of a plane that has two or more engines)


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

synchronize verb + -er


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  • Easy subtitle synchronizer makes life really easy. Forum 2009

  • SyncPlaces is a bookmark/password synchronizer for Firefox that keeps them private by using your own web (requires WebDAV) or ftp server.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010

  • SyncPlaces is a bookmark/password synchronizer for Firefox that keeps them private by using your own web (requires WebDAV) or ftp server.

    Softpedia - Windows - All Softpedia Linux 2010

  • When you eat is an important synchronizer and organizer of the circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion.

    SO STRESSED William Kent Krueger 2010

  • When you eat is an important synchronizer and organizer of the circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion.

    SO STRESSED William Kent Krueger 2010

  • Carmel Myers acted in over seventy films, was an early television talk-show host, led a production company that packaged radio and television shows, held a patent for an electronic synchronizer that controlled studio lights, and imported and distributed French perfume.

    Carmel Myers. 2009

  • The folder synchronizer notes when local files are deleted and deletes them on the server using this call.

    Start OPML Editor support for WP « Scripting News Annex 2006

  • There's also the case of biologist Genevieve Switz, a "strong synchronizer."

    In Sync 2007

  • This amazing soundclash is all made with live drums, live bass, toy keyboards and other gadgets, looping pedals and crazy old FX units, AND, the piéce de résistance, a 35mm film synchronizer thingy that band leader Brian Borcherdt (sounds like Orchard) scratches with ... no, seriously, its like he's scratching old film-strips and movies that have a magnetic sound track on them, and it sounds like a turntable.

    Music (For Robots): August 2005 Archives 2005

  • This amazing soundclash is all made with live drums, live bass, toy keyboards and other gadgets, looping pedals and crazy old FX units, AND, the piéce de résistance, a 35mm film synchronizer thingy that band leader Brian Borcherdt (sounds like Orchard) scratches with ... no, seriously, its like he's scratching old film-strips and movies that have a magnetic sound track on them, and it sounds like a turntable.

    Holy What Now? (Music (For Robots)) 2005


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