
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Relating to or characteristic of witchcraft.
  • adjective Having the power to charm or enchant; bewitching.
  • noun Witchcraft; sorcery.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Bewitching; suited to enchantment or witchcraft; weird.
  • Fascinating; enchanting.
  • noun The practices of witches; enchantment.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective That witches or enchants; suited to enchantment or witchcraft; bewitching.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of witch.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers
  • noun the use or practice of witchcraft


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  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005

  • They are a unique bunch of guys who still believe in witching for water and who know you have to develop a feel for where the water is located even if you find the acquifer.

    Water well drillers. . .?? 2005


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