
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A nickname short for Ludovic
  • noun a children's board game in which tokens are moved round a board


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Shortening of Ludovic.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Latin lūdō


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  • When John was 10, after the family had moved to Edinburgh, Herbert eloped with Margaret Ludwig, known as Ludo, a music lecturer.

    The Guardian World News John Wyver 2011

  • The Sundance Channel today announced a new series with Los Angeles chef Ludo Lefebvre of the insanely popular pop-up restaurants LudoBites fame called Ludo Bites...

    The Full Feed from The Huffington Post News Editors 2011

  • History - Ludi, also known as Ludo or Ludu, is a derivative of Parcheesi which is a game that originated in India and was adopted in the U.K.

    Jamaica - Full Feed 2009

  • Celebrity chef Ludovic "Ludo" Lefebvre was there, and one of only two France fans at the restaurant.

    Angelenos Gather To Watch Mexico In The World Cup At Guelaguetza 2010

  • "Even though Ludobites 4.0 dinner service ended a few weeks ago, his spirit lives on in the form of 'Ludo's Parisian,'" reports

    blogdowntown: Life in Downtown Los Angeles (Stories+Headlines) 2010

  • The rules of Gorge are simple: Teams of pieces have to move around a board and reach a destination, rather like in 'Ludo'.

    EurekAlert! - Breaking News 2009

  • Something from 'Ludo' then, and I'd have the Hancock episode 'Fred's Pie Stall' and the theme to 'The Prisoner'.

    Word Magazine - Comments nickgestation 2009

  • Eater Interview: LudoBites 'Chef Ludo on Top Chef Masters and LA Dining Making his debut tonight on Top Chef Masters, LA-based "Ludo" Ludovic Lefebvre faces off against Rick Bayless, Cindy Pawlcyn, and Wilo Benet in a quick-fire challenge where each must create a dish based on a color.

    Eater LA 2009

  • Chef Ludo Lefebvre has had quite enough of vegan protestors coming between him or other liver-loving carnivores and his favored boyhood delicacy, the ever-controversial foie gras. “I want people to have the freedom to eat what they want,” he declares. “Animal-rights people would turn everyone into a vegan if they could.

    Food52: Food Court: Kids Tackle Obesity, Foie Goes Cali, On the Menu at OWS Food52 2011

  • Ludo's father is an excellent character as well, whose gradual transition from disbelieving intolerance to celebration of Ludo's identity feels totally honest and real.

    Marion Johnson: Where to Find Positive LGBT Characters in Pop Culture Marion Johnson 2011


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