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  • The neologism "holodomor," in the sense of "artificially organized starvation" and imposed specifically on Ukrainian victims, began to be widely used in the 1980s.

    ACTION UKRAINE REPORT (Archive) 2009

  • Only when the veil of silence began to gradually lift at the end of 1987 [20] did it become clear that the word "holodomor" become the label that stuck in people 's memory in the place where it happened.

    ACTION UKRAINE REPORT (Archive) 2009

  • Commemoration of the holodomor, or famine, has become a touchstone for Ukrainian nationalists, who campaign to have it declared a national day of mourning, with Yushchenko's support.

    The History Wars 2009

  • This horrific man-made famine holodomor, orchestrated by Josef Stalin to bring about forced collectivization, starved to death 7 - 10 million Ukrainians.

    International Holodomor Remembrance Torch Passes Though Baltimore to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide by Famine (Holodomor) Thatsnews 2008

  • This horrific man-made famine holodomor, orchestrated by Josef Stalin to bring about forced collectivization, starved to death 7 - 10 million Ukrainians.

    Archive 2008-06-01 Thatsnews 2008

  • We will not survive another holocaust or holodomor.

    Latest Articles 2009

  • The Ukrainian Orthodox Church "is praying with great sorrow for the victims of the holodomor and other repressions by the Soviet totalitarian regime," the Synod said.

    Clerical Whispers 2008

  • The National Council on TV and radio broadcasting recommends and TV radio channels to refrain from transmitting entertainment shows due to the 75 th anniversary of the holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine.

    forUm 2008

  • This genocide was an attempt to destroy the very soul of the people, to submit it to total spiritual enslavement, "the Synod said in a letter" on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the 1932-1933 holodomor "in Ukraine, posted on the Ukrainian Church's website.

    Clerical Whispers 2008


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