
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of indefinable.


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  • It is a remarkable record, made all the more fascinating by the indefinables of the double sculls, where success is born out of technical refinement and also an intangible athletic bond, an ability to row and react with double‑skulled synchronicity.

    Katherine Grainger and Anna Watkins ready to put chemistry to the test 2011

  • The terminology may be different, but this resembles Russell's early project to identify the ˜indefinables™ of philosophical logic, as he described it, and to apprehend them by ˜acquaintance™

    Analysis Beaney, Michael 2009

  • John Edwards possesses indefinables you can't bottle.

    As Lone Ranger, Kerry Shows Why He Needs Tonto 2004

  • John Edwards possesses indefinables you can't bottle.

    As Lone Ranger, Kerry Shows Why He Needs Tonto 2004

  • Now the fact is that, though there are indefinables and indemonstrables in every branch of applied mathematics, there are none in pure mathematics except such as belong to general logic.

    Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays Bertrand Russell 1921

  • Mathematics, based on indefinables, 10; function of, in Pythagorean philosophy, 25; and in Platonic, 170

    A Short History of Greek Philosophy John Marshall 1880

  • It appears similarly that the axioms of geometry are special axioms which involve the acceptance of more general axioms or indefinables. [

    The Approach to Philosophy Ralph Barton Perry 1916


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