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  • I think some people were a little confused about the point of the march, too, as everywhere we turned we got pamphleted with flyers exhorting us to free Palestine, to protest against Voluntary Student Unions, and to support persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

    Archive 2006-04-01 StyleyGeek 2006

  • They also say, civilians should have already left, because they pamphleted the area with leaflets, telling people to get out of the area where they see the rockets are coming from.

    CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2006 2006

  • Pall Mall Gazette, and to note the difference between newspaper articles duly pamphleted and distributed to the disgust of all decency, and the translation of an Arabian limited in issue and intended only for the few select.

    Arabian nights. English Anonymous 1855

  • This weekend, the Mickey Kearns campaign fielded a street team of about 100 volunteers who pamphleted the city with flyers that looked like this: interview with Kearns we published two weeks ago. Geoff Kelly 2009


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