
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A chant or anthem recited or sung after a reading in a church service.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Containing answer.
  • noun In liturgics: A psalm or portion of a psalm sung between the missal lections.
  • noun A portion of a psalm (originally, a whole psalm) sung between the lections at the canonical hours; a respond. Also responsorium.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The answer of the people to the priest in alternate speaking, in church service.
  • noun A versicle sung in answer to the priest, or as a refrain.
  • noun (Eccl.) An antiphonary; a response book.
  • adjective Containing or making answer; answering.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A chant or anthem recited after a reading in a church service


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English responsorie, from Late Latin respōnsōrium, from Latin respōnsus, past participle of respondēre, to respond; see respond.]


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  • Here's one labeled "TENEBRAE FACTAE SUNT, Responsorio ambrosiano" an Ambrosian responsory, that is, I believe for Good Friday, but will look more at this:

    Archive 2009-01-01 bls 2009

  • Here's one labeled "TENEBRAE FACTAE SUNT, Responsorio ambrosiano" an Ambrosian responsory, that is, I believe for Good Friday, but will look more at this:

    A wonderful YouTube chant resource bls 2009

  • The procession enters the church singing the responsory Ingrediente, followed by the verse Cumque audissent: the organ peals out, and the Lenten veil is drawn back.

    Palm Sunday Rites According to the Missal of Braga 2009

  • Every year on St Paul's day, while the soloist on the ambo sang the melodies of the fourth vigiliary responsory, the Pope, entering, as we have said, into the camera confessionis, withdrew the censer - which had been let down through the hole on to the tomb of the apostle at this same Office in the preceding year, and introduced another also full of burning incense.

    The Station at St Paul John 2009

  • The second nocturn has seven psalms, followed by the Passion of St. Mark, with a responsory, the Passion of Saint Luke, with a responsory, and the Passion of St. John, precede by chapter 13 and the first six verses of chapter 14 of the same Gospel.

    Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 7 - The Vigil of Pentecost and the Holy Week Readings 2009

  • During the singing of the fourth responsory the Pope, instead of incensing only the altar, opened the fenestella confessionis with a golden key and went into the empty space, which can still be seen between the tomb of the apostle and the altar.

    27 July -- Bl Titus Brandsma, O. Carm. John 2009

  • At the conclusion, entering the sanctuary, the choir sang the responsory, "Gaude Maria Virgo" or the prose, "Inviolata" or some other antiphon in honour of the Blessed Virgin.

    Candlemas, The Feast of the Presentation and Purification 2009

  • During the singing of the fourth responsory the Pope, instead of incensing only the altar, opened the fenestella confessionis with a golden key and went into the empty space, which can still be seen between the tomb of the apostle and the altar.

    The Station at St Paul John 2009

  • We then proceeded to learn chant for the reformed Roman rite and in the evening, we gathered for first Vespers of the Baptism of the Lord, using the new antiphons from the Solesmes antiphonal and the responsory, 'Hodie in Iordane'.

    Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge's Winter Weekend 2009

  • Every year on St Paul's day, while the soloist on the ambo sang the melodies of the fourth vigiliary responsory, the Pope, entering, as we have said, into the camera confessionis, withdrew the censer - which had been let down through the hole on to the tomb of the apostle at this same Office in the preceding year, and introduced another also full of burning incense.

    27 July -- Bl Titus Brandsma, O. Carm. John 2009


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