
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A splinter; a fragment.
  • noun A rush: same as, sprat, 1.
  • noun A fish: same as sprat.


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  • If you are already a marksman then learn to hunt, I mean stalk, if you can stalk and hunt - then learn to shoot at range - broaden your skill sets iin all areas it'll only enhance your enjoyment of the sprot.

    best caliber for 600+ yard shots 2009

  • If you are already a marksman then learn to hunt, I mean stalk, if you can stalk and hunt - then learn to shoot at range - broaden your skill sets iin all areas it'll only enhance your enjoyment of the sprot.

    best caliber for 600+ yard shots 2009

  • In Support of Iranian Green Movement - 22 Bahman 1388 attn-3rd, feb-2p.m. intern closed fro sprot reprot ban; detroit inf. - Articles related to Sochi: Russian Olympic Scandals, Short Funds, Strike 2010

  • Campromania … edit sikit letak skirt pastu letak sprot rim …. .pergh …. vtec on January 23, 2009 at 3: 51 am vtec on January 23, 2009 at 4: 07 am maybe next version ataupun facelift nye ada 1. 8..okla, aku nak kua dah. .nti aku reply ptang2 skit klu msuk opis … News 2009

  • Join a volunteer group, take some night classes, join an organized sprot, if you are religious, go to church and join groups there.

    [Help] Most Recent Posts 2009

  • THIS IN COURT CLAIM - MAP 6.1 2010/07/21 09: 16: 05 3.037 128.214 102.0 = they do nto underastand that i pout thbis in court ciam.eblao. rvmna must evry tiem amke proewtsat ebta mozie eblo ne andlo paldo so impouidnetly to seige quake/s read - at first sit on mu training run over the forest forbdoe to move imagin they can erase distort thye tune on quake iundertnanding -; ban to make sport; fater that wait on lake with concrete taaks to insult for enter the water even out camera - and to ban nay astral move after swim ctahc by bhand sby impoduent priosn commenct wbocu what am i doign like in hjollanbd was ordered ag me fro sprot in priosn yard - after that seig ecopmputing, fater atht seig eswisnodws with debil prmas symbol of foirobide on hukan rigths undetastdn what i say?? sceintogogy consider quake read as human and property right - shwo the saem what soeud abtou flat court - Articles related to Russia and US go to war over 'Merchant of Death' 2010


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