
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun computing A Unix-like operating system developed at the University of California in Berkeley.
  • noun Bahamian dollar


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Initialism of Berkeley Software Distribution.


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  • The term BSD refers to relatively senior people who will have been earning £1m plus for years

    For better or nothing Ms Robinson 2008

  • BSD is short for the Berkeley Software Distribution, a UNIX variant with origins at the California university.

    LXer Linux News 2009

  • BSD is short for the Berkeley Software Distribution, a UNIX variant with origins at the California university.

    Linux Magazine Full Feed 2009

  • After almost a year of trying to succeed in a difficult commercial climate, BSD is to cease publication.

    Now BSD ceases publication too « pwcom 2.0 2009

  • One sees this paradigm in BSD Unix, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and a host of such systems.

    A warning for the bazaar | FactoryCity 2006

  • When it comes to control and/or security, Linux or BSD is the most likely competitor.

    Real gets $761M from Microsoft 2005

  • While I believe that at this point in time BSD is a better functioning product, Linux is catching up.

    Part theory, part vaporware: 2004

  • I've been hearing for ages how stable and wonderful * BSD is (and I did consider it for the the new UFies. org server, but in the end decided that putting a system on the net that I didn't know about would be a Bad Thing:) but have never really tried it outside of VMWare a couple of times.

    FreeBSD LiveCD - 2004

  • BSD is based on the Unix of the early 70’s, however Linux is something that has started 20 years later, and it is almost as good as BSD.

    Part theory, part vaporware: 2004

  • I agree that Macs are really great, and now that OS is based on BSD, that is especially true, but I think some (some, not all) of the posts have been more of a Mac vs. Windows debate rather than a Mac vs. PC debate.

    The ultimate showdown Sean 2006


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  • Berkeley Software Distribution

    April 29, 2018