
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Same as booze.
  • See bouse.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A carouse; a drinking bout; a booze.
  • intransitive verb To carouse; to bouse; to booze.
  • intransitive verb (Naut.) To pull or haul.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb archaic To drink excessively and socially.
  • noun A carouse; a drinking bout; a booze.
  • verb nautical To haul or hoist (something) with a tackle.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb haul with a tackle


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle Dutch busen.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Origin unknown.


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  • "...his business was with the ship's main armament, the two tiers of massive guns, thirty-two pounders, stretching fore and aft in the gloom, bowsed tight up against the side, uttering squeaks and groans as the roll shifted their concentrated three tons an inch or so in spite of the well-heaved frapping."

    --Patrick O'Brian, The Ionian Mission, 56

    February 11, 2008

  • Double gaskets were passed round the yards, rolling tackles and other gear bowsed taut, and everything made as secure as it could be.

    - Richard Henry Dana Jr., Two Years Before the Mast, ch. 25

    September 9, 2008

  • "Bowse, is chiefly used by the gunners when they haul upon their tackles to thrust a piece gun out of port gun-port, in which case they cry 'Bowse hoa!' i.e. pull more upon the tackle; also when there is occasion to pull more on the tackle than otherwise, they say, 'Bowse upon the tackle!'

    "To Bowse, to pull upon any body with a tackle, or a complication of pullies, in order to remove it, or otherwise alter its state or situtation: this is chiefly practised, when such alteration or removal cannot be conveniently effected without the application of mechanical powers. This term is pronounced bowse, as when they would have the men pull altogether (sic), they cry, 'Bowse away!'"

    Falconer's New Universal Dictionary of the Marine (1816), 54

    October 14, 2008

  • "The commodore, who was not at all in the humour of relishing such an impertinent preamble, interrupted him in this place, saying, with a peevish accent, “Pshaw! pshaw! brother, there's no occasion to bowse out so much unnecessary gun; if you can't bring your discourse to bear on the right subject, you had much better clap a stopper on your tongue, and bring yourself up, d'ye see; I was told you had something to deliver.”

    — Smollett, Peregrine Pickle, 1751

    January 15, 2022