
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Same as edge-runner mill (which see, under mill). Also called chaser mill.
  • noun The sip of water or mild drink with which tipplers ‘chase’ or wash down their dram of spirits.
  • noun One who chases; a pursuer; a hunter; a driver.
  • noun Nautical: A vessel which pursues another, A chase-gun; a gun on a vessel mounted especially for service when in chase or being chased: called a bow-chaser when pointed from the bow, and a stern-chaser when from the stern.
  • noun A short strap used to keep the curtain of a carriage in place when it is rolled up.
  • noun One who chases or enchases; an enchaser.
  • noun A hand-tool of steel used for cutting or finishing the threads of screws; the tool used as the cutting instrument in a chasing-lathe.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who chases or engraves. See 5th chase, and enchase.
  • noun (Mech.) A tool with several points, used for cutting or finishing screw threads, either external or internal, on work revolving in a lathe.
  • noun One who or that which chases; a pursuer; a driver; a hunter.
  • noun (Naut.) Same as Chase gun, esp. in terms bow chaser and stern chaser. See under Bow, Stern.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun logging, obsolete Someone that follows logs out of the forest in order to signal a yarder engineer to stop them if they become fouled - also called a frogger.
  • noun logging one who unhooks chokers from the logs at the landing.
  • noun One of a series of adjacent light bulbs that cycle on and off to give the illusion of movement.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a person who is pursuing and trying to overtake or capture
  • noun a drink to follow immediately after another drink


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Old French chaceür, chaceor (French chasseur), from chacier ("to chase, hunt"); later senses from or influenced by chase +‎ -er.


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  • The title chaser edges out Michele Pirro to hold provisional pole position at Misano.

    Crash.Net Motorsports Newsfeed 2010

  • The chaser is The Adversary, an evil emperor, and his numberless goblin shock-troops.

    Peter & Max: the Fables comics jump to novel - Boing Boing 2009

  • • Tim Howard turned in perhaps his finest performance of the season, coming up with six saves to help Everton fend off Premier League title chaser Manchester City in a 2-1 victory on 2011

  • LONDON -- Under-pressure England captain John Terry scored with eight minutes left Saturday to give Premier League title chaser Chelsea a 2-1 win at Burnley.

    Winnipeg Sun 2010

  • Under-pressure England captain John Terry scored with eight minutes left Saturday to give English Premier League title chaser Chelsea a 2-1 win at Burnley.

    Toronto Sun 2010

  • Under-pressure England captain John Terry scored with eight minutes left Saturday to give English Premier League title chaser Chelsea a 2-1 win at Burnley.

    Toronto Sun 2010

  • Under-pressure England captain John Terry scored with eight minutes left Saturday to give English Premier League title chaser Chelsea a 2-1 win at Burnley.

    Toronto Sun 2010

  • Carney, who lives a few miles from Donald’s parents in the Colorado mountains, said that the former All-American steeple chaser is flying under the radar: He’s a super talent … and I think he’s going to surprise a lot of people.

    Donald, Friedman join Creed at Kelly Benefit Strategies for 2011 2010

  • And this and the fact that you’re a tranny chaser is why you’re still single …

    Think Progress » Bush Gives Saudi Sex Slaves the A-Okay 2005

  • He tries to avoid the term "storm chaser" but has come to accept the term as an inevitability.

    David Schonauer: Weather as Entertainment: An Increasingly Dangerous Allure David Schonauer 2011


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  • A ram that has only one testicle. --Dr. Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary and Supplement, 1841.

    May 10, 2011