
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun See closer.
  • noun A bell-tower; a belfry.


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  • They were not so much patriots as philanthropists; for the teachings of Rousseau and his school, while intensifying the love of man for man, had proportionately weakened the sense of patriotism, of the interets du clocher.

    The Valley of Decision Edith Wharton 1899

  • Comptes et depenses de la construction du clocher de

    Mutual Aid; a factor of evolution Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin 1881

  • The clocher at Senlis is more "habile"; it shows an effort to be clever, and offers a standard of comparison; but the mediaeval architects seem to have thought that none of them bore rivalry with Laon for technical skill.

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878

  • Taken together with the fleches of the facade, this clocher of

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878

  • One ought particularly to look at the beautiful central clocher of the church at Vaucelles in the suburbs; and one must drive out to Thaon to see its eleventh - century church, with a charming Romanesque blind arcade on the outside, and a little clocher, "the more interesting to us," according to Viollet-le-Duc, "because it bears the stamp of the traditions of defence of the primitive towers which were built over the porches."

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878

  • Wherever the Norman central clocher stands, the Church Militant of the eleventh century survives; -- not the Church of Mary Queen, but of Michael the Archangel; -- not the

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878

  • At Vendome, when you go there, you will be in a way to appreciate still better what happened to the Chartres fleche; for the clocher at Vendome, which is of the same date, -- Viollet-le-Duc says earlier, and Enlart, "after 1130," -- stood and still stands free, like an

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878

  • Arlette, the tanner's daughter, one must go to Falaise, and look at the superb clocher of Saint-Gervais, which was finished and consecrated by 1135.

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878

  • The central clocher will begin a photographic collection of square towers, to replace that which was lost on the Mount; and a second example is near

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878

  • Coutances alone has preserved its central clocher of the thirteenth century, and even there it is not complete; its stone fleche is wanting.

    Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Henry Adams 1878


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  • To cough frequently, with a large defluxion of phlegm and copious expectoration. Fr. Scots Gaelic clochar, "wheezing in the throat".

    May 27, 2011