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  • Indeed, I had grown so used to the story of my lamentable pursuit of the eumoirous that I rattled it off mechanically after the manner of the sturdy beggar telling his mendacious tale of undeserved misfortune.

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • How could I explain my precious pursuit of the eumoirous to a French

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • Dale has just been elected for the Fensham Division of Westmoreland, and he has already begun the line of sturdy young Kynnersleys, of which I had eumoirous dreams long ago.

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • Is there any drug I wonder which can restore a eumoirous tone to the system?

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • He can thus hoist Destiny with its own petard, and, besides, being eumoirous, can spend a month or two in a peculiarly diverting manner.

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • I regarded the failure of my eumoirous little plans with more than satisfaction.

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • I had no clear notion of the means whereby I was to accomplish this; but I knew that it would be a philanthropic pursuit far different from my previous eumoirous wanderings abut London when, with a mind conscious of well-doing, I distributed embarrassing five-pound notes to the poor and needy.

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • It sounded glorious and eumoirous and quixotic and deucedly funny, during the noble moment of inspiration, when Lola's golden eyes were upon me; but now -- well, I shall have to persuade myself that it is funny, if I am to carry it out.

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • Then I would have ended my eumoirous task, and my last happy words would be a paternal benediction.

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896

  • Was it in order to further my designs -- Machiavellian towards the lady, but eumoirous towards Dale?

    Simon the Jester William John Locke 1896


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  • happy because innocent and good.

    December 8, 2007

  • happy because innocent and good.

    July 12, 2009

  • happiness due to being honest and wholesome

    May 21, 2024